الصفحة الرئيسية > Enterprise 2.0, web 2.0 > How can web 2.0 tools assist with personal productivity?

How can web 2.0 tools assist with personal productivity?

What is web 2.0?

putting this question as a search term in google, will give various definitions. But to simplified it.. web 2.0 basically means user-centered design applications that allow information sharing and collaboration.  its facilitate any users (individual or corporate) to connect, interact and collaborate on the www. So its a virtual community based on user-genereted content.

here.. interesting clip tilted: Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us

Web 2.0 & Personal Productivity?
In general, the 1st stage of achieving highest level of personal productivity is by believing in ourselves. Then, using productivity strategies, guides and tools that help us to achieve. Here its come to web 2.0 as one of important tools of personal productivity. Web 2.0 is full of resources that can help us be more productive. In fact, the integration between web 2.0 tools and mobile devices covers pretty much every area of our life and help us to turn a problem into a solution, keeping in mind that many Web 2.0 applications and tools are free, or provide free trials or free lite version.

see how many free apps iTunes has under productivity category!

Personal Productivity tools:

1- Time Management tool

here I will share tools that allow us to easily understand how we spend our time and how to increase our productivity, its called RescueTime a free web-based application that comes with a data collector program which tracks your activity and find out what programs and websites take most of your time.. instead of keep writting, let us take 1 advantage of web 2.0 and show clip about RescueTime

So RescueTime is an application helps to understand how we spend our time while we using our computer/mobile and get us toward spend it productively. Its measure time we spent on every active application we working on ( in case of internet browser, its only measure the active tap). And, If we get away from the computer RescueTime stops tracking time and waiting you to get back and choose one of pre-define options to fill the missing time. Then it gives us an in-depth analysis of our own time management through graphical reports. Below is example of one week report – Shared by Jason

Jason now can keep this chart in mind throughout the week so that he can maintain his personal productivity goal of at least 4 highly productive hours during each day.

2- Analysis Tool:

I personally like analysis, its really helpful thing to do and get benefit from. As a twitter user, is interesting to see the movement of tremendous data. and this the role of data analysis tools such as 140kit where you can put search term , #hashtag or even @twitteruser and choose a time frame  for collecting Tweets that include the term. It will collect all tweets with in the specified time frame, then it will view the analysis with interesting details.

I have tried it, by putting my favourite FC team alhilal as a search term and here some snapshots of the results:

so I guess its a good idea to apply analysis tool with a particular term (e.g Enterprise 2.0) to see all tweets have mentioned this term in particular time and get idea what and how people talk about it.

In addition, same analytics can be applied on our twitter username to see how people interact with us, where are they tweet from? and which topic/tweet they more interested in. From this analytics, we will get thoughts/experience that assist with personal productivity. One strategy to take advantage from this tool is that, monitor trending topics on Twitter and choose one that you are interested in. lets say “Could Computing”. so you run this analysis tool on this topic with multiple terms (could computing, iCloud, SaaS.. etc) and then we will specify time frame (e.g 2 days or 10 hours ). The result will show you different aspects such as: number of tweets, top retweets, Significant words, frequent urls and so on. As a blogger, I will be interested in how people in twitter perceived could computing? what are they most frequent ulrs and do they represent the desirable meaning of cloud computing?. based on that, I will write a detailed post about cloud computing answering all doubts have been mentioned, and share it via any cloud computing related #HashTag.

So.. what do you think of these tools? I encourage you to try them and then let me know what the results are

Note: I wasn’t really satisfied with this post, so I decisded to publish other web 2.0 and personal productivity tool .. please have a look


  1. 17/08/2011 عند 10:47 م

    I like the Idea of ResceTime. However, if I know what most waste my time, how could I save it on something else that is more useful!

  2. sieghart
    24/08/2011 عند 1:12 م

    RescueTime is the easiest and fastest way to track our productive time. It help me a lot in my daily routine also it allows me to save energy and spend time efficiently. This tool is very handy and easy to use it automatically runs in the background of the computer with no data entry.It also allows you to focus on your work by blocking unnecessary sites that is not related to work.This blog also discuss RescueTime.

  3. 31/08/2011 عند 12:28 م

    Analytic tools is truely very important. Tools like google analytic and social media tool like Viral heat can actually tell exactly what type of people are coming to your social media channels, from which country, what content is most popular and how much time they are spending on each content. This helps companies to take highly informed marketing or other strategic decisions.

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